- Report from the study tour to wetland restoration projects in the Czech Republic. report-from-study-tour-wetlands-in-czech-republic
- Report from the study tour to wetlands of Northern Norway. sbornik
- Book of abstracts from international conference Wetlands in Agricultural Landscape, State and Perspectives in Europe. sbornik-wetlands-in-agricultural-landscapes
- Examples of materials for support of education and public awareness on wetlands in basic schools mokrady-iii-zs including methodology for teachers (metodika-pro-zs-iii) and working papers for pupils (pracovni-list-iii-zs).
- Examples of materials for support of education and public awareness on wetlands in high schools (mokrady-iii-ss) including methodology for teachers (metodika-pro-ss-iii) and working papers for students (pracovni-list-iii-ss).
- List of recommendations for sustainable fishponds management (Czech version only). ram-rybniky-text
- Training course in polar ecology and research of polar wetlands. Summary of the training course is here: training-course_summary
- Database of wetlands of the Czech Republic. Database has being prepared by the Nature Conservation Agency, partner of the project. See http://mokrady.ochranaprirody.cz
- Educational programme of Czech Society for Ornithology: Birds and wetlands (in Czech version only) http://new.birdlife.cz/mokrady-propagacni-a-vyukove-materialy/
- Czech Wetlands of International Importance