Activities of the project

The activities of the project respect priorities of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in the fild of conservation, research and sustainable use of wetlands in the Czech Republic, are relevant to the State programme of Nature and Landscape Conservation and implementation of international conventions in the field of nature protection especially Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

  1. Status of wetlands and their biodiversity
  • Inventarisation of wetlands and evaluation of wetlands status and trends (assessment of the current wetland status and the situation in 1999)
  • Monitoring and evaluation of status and trend of population numbers of selected waterfowl species (from the list in Annexes of AEWA and Bonn Convention)
  • Ecological state of wetlands of international importance
  1. Wetland interactions
  • Interactions wetlands and agriculture
  • Interaction wetlands and industrial extraction
    Interaction wetlands and climate change
  1. Education and public awareness – activities for support of public awareness on wetlands, their importance and function in the landscape
  • Preparation of educational and information materials for schools and teachers and public
  • Book “Wetlands”
  • Photobook on wetlands of international importance of the Czech Republic
  • Film on wetlands, series of short films on Ramsar sites of the CR
  • International conference Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes in Europe
  • Wrap up conference
  1. Study tours
  • Study tour for partner from Norway –experience with wetlands restoration in the Czech Republic
  • Study tour to Norway for group of Czech participants focused on wetland management and system of education on wetlands
  1. Management of the project
  • Project coordinator
  • Project administrator
  • Financial manager
  • Project committee